I meet each client with openness, flexibility and respect. I listen and engage with the client anew at each session. My perspective is that the psychotherapeutic relationship is central to the success of therapy. I aim to create a stable, gentle, and supportive environment where you can express your feelings and experiences openly, with respect and without judgment.
While my therapeutic approach is primarily located within a psychoanalytical framework, I have developed mindfulness therapies alongside this, which can offer an integrative and client-centred pathway. I am interested in supporting you to develop an awareness of how the past may be impacting on your life, build awareness and insight, and support your ability to choose different ways of being in the world and relating to self and other.
I have experience of working with a range of therapeutic issues, but I have a special interest in the impact of attachment difficulties, loss and separation, adults who have a history of childhood abuse, the role of shame, trauma, and adoption.
I can offer short and long-term therapy. We can discuss in our sessions what may be most suitable, and be flexible about how needs can change over time.
As psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher, my approach is collaborative and client-centred. One of my primary goals is to work with you to achieve an understanding of the subtle and complex ways people see and experience the world. Psychotherapy offers a route towards enhancing an awareness of personal experience and the meanings generated from it, and creates the potential for exercising choice in how you approach others.